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Father and baby having gala time.
The New Parent's Dilemma: Is it Okay for a Newborn to Sleep on My Chest?
Ah, parenthood – that wild rollercoaster ride of love, joy, and sleepless nights. And speaking of sleepless nights, one question that often keeps new parents tossing and turning (when they do get...
Baby with pacifier in mouth.
Pacify and Snooze: Can a Newborn Sleep with a Pacifier All Night?
Ah, the age-old debate of whether a pacifier is a parent’s best friend or worst nightmare. As a seasoned parent, I’ve danced this wobbly tightrope of sleep deprivation and soothing strategies....
Brother and sister playing together.
How Can You Carry a Newborn and Toddler Without Dropping the Ball?
So, you’ve found yourself with not one, but two tiny humans to wrangle (just like me). Congratulations! Welcome to the chaotic, wonderful world of parenting multiple kiddos, where every day is an...
Mother with a happy baby.
Unveiling the Mystery: Why Do My Newborn Baby's Farts Smell So Bad?
From those adorable little coos to the not-so-adorable diaper explosions, welcoming a newborn into your life is a whirlwind of experiences. But let’s address one of the less glamorous aspects: the...
Baby hiding face behind the leaf.
Hiccup! How to Halt the Hiccups in Your Newborn
Parenthood—the wonderful rollercoaster ride filled with sleepless nights, diaper changes, and those adorable little hiccups that seem to come out of nowhere. While hiccups in newborns are usually harmless,...
Mother daughter amazing moment.
What age is the mommy phase? Unlocking the Mysteries of Motherhood
Ah, the mommy phase! It’s that magical time in a child’s life when mommy is the answer to everything. From kisses on scraped knees to being the official bedtime storyteller, moms wear many hats during...